Sangam CRM Software for Marketing, Sales, and Human Resources

Sangam CRM is a powerful and simple CRM software to manage your sales and marketing activities. If you run a small business that needs a CRM and you don’t want something complicated, Sangam CRM is the software for you.

CRM software for Any Industry
  • CRM for Real Estate
  • CRM for Call Center / BPO
  • CRM for Call Travel Agency
  • CRM for Call Telecom Indstry
  • CRM for Call Software Companies
  • CRM for Distribution
  • CRM for Service Providers
  • CRM for Manufacturing Industry
  • CRM for Tally Partners
  • CRM for Healthcare
One CRM software for All Customer Needs
Sales CRM

Designed for making the life of sales professionals easier. Keep track of your leads, opportunities, sales feedback, and sales data in an orderly manner with Sangam-Enjay CRM!

CRM For Marketing

Email, SMS automated marketing and messaging software, And WhatsApp Marketing Automation Tools. Use Account-based marketing with proper categorization Industry-wise, Product wise, or region-wise.

Mobile CRM

A Mobile CRM software that empowers your Field Sales and Sales Managers with automatic Activity Logging while giving them access to intelligent reports.

Helpdesk CRM

Sangam is a tool for IT companies to support their customers better. We offer reliable and secure customer support software in the market today for all businesses seeking to assist their clients in their quest for exemplary service .

Custom CRM

It’s important to always consider the needs and interests of customers first, as it is a core principle within CRM. By helping your team members perform their tasks as effectively as possible, you’ll be helping them work better with your customers in the long run!

CRM Integrations

CRM lets you connect all your marketing tools together and shows you what people are doing on your website, Yellow Pages Portal and other such applications.